日本語 English

小川 洋平 (Yohei Ogawa)








Research Goals

Comparing gene transcription systems across species to elucidate the evolutionary transitions and origins of cells

Only a few percent of the human genome contains genes, and there are about 30,000 of them at most. Using genes in the human brain, for example, about 90 billion neurons are created, and neurons form hundreds to thousands of subtypes. To form such diverse cells, each gene must be used (expressed) at the right time and in the right place. The expression of individual genes is controlled by a system of about 3,000 factors in humans and mice. In animals, the number of genes is roughly tens of thousands, regardless of whether their body structure is simple or complex. In other words, the complexity of the transcription network creates the unique traits of each organism. It has been found that during evolution, the transcriptional control mechanisms change as genes lose or gain functions. We are just beginning to understand how these networks change during evolution.

I am particularly interested in studying the transcription systems that define the unique functions and identities of cells in non-mammalian vertebrates. Furthermore, I aim to understand how these systems have evolved and where they came from by comparing them across different species, including mammals, which is a common practice in research. In the future, I hope to contribute to medicine by using genetic engineering to add new functions to human cells.

Central Hypothesis

The transcription system can be represented as patterns of transcription factor binding

Eukaryotic transcription factors are capable of recognizing and binding to specific nucleotide sequences in the genome. These recognition sequences exhibit flexibility, and the general term for recognition sequence patterns is transcription factor binding motifs (e.g., homeodomain motifs). Multiple transcription factors gather near DNA through transcription factor motifs to form functional gene regulatory regions (cis-regulatory regions). These cis-regulatory regions promote or inhibit the transcription of individual genes, resulting in cell identity and function. The term "cis-regulatory codes" is employed to denote the functional combinations of transcription factor binding sequences. The objective of my study is to make comparisons of cis-regulatory codes across species, with the aim of conducting interspecies comparisons of cell identity and function over extended periods of time (hundreds of millions of years) that are not contingent upon the conservation of nucleotide sequences.



  • シングルセルATAC-seqデータを用いた細胞タイプ間の比較方法の開発
  • 私たちはこれまで、6種類の脊椎動物であるヤツメウナギ、ゼブラフィッシュ、キンギョ、ニワトリ、マウス、ヒトの網膜を用いてシングルセルATAC-seqプロファイルを取得し、網膜のオープンクロマチンデータの比較解析を行いました(研究成果)。データ解析方法を工夫して、6種類の細胞クラスにそれぞれ保存された転写因子モチーフの組み合わせを見出しました。


  • ウシガエルとグリーンアノール網膜の解析
  • 上記の6種類の脊椎生物とは別に、ウシガエル(Lithobates catesbeianus)とグリーンアノール(Anolis carolinensis)網膜のシングルセルATAC-seqデータを取得しています。両者においては、非常に興味深いユニークな視細胞のサブタイプ(グリーンロッドやダブルコーン)が存在します。これら細胞の進化的な由来は非常に興味深く、上記の解析手法を適応して細胞の種間比較を行い、視細胞の相同性に迫っています。


  • ゲノム配列から特定の細胞タイプを予測する
  • さまざまな生物の膨大なゲノム配列が蓄積されつつあり、ゲノム情報を用いてそれぞれの動物独自の形質を生み出す仕組みが明らかにされています。網膜においては、それぞれの動物が特定の細胞タイプを備え、おのおのの光環境へ適応していると考えられています。それぞれの細胞タイプの増減の進化的変遷に着目することで、細胞の進化を支えるメカニズムの解明が期待できます。そのためには、なるべく多くの細胞タイプを幅広い生物において明らかにする必要があります。しかしながら、すべての動物において、大規模な組織サンプリングを行ない、細胞タイプをすべて明らかにするのは時間やコストの観点から現実的ではありません。そこで私は、特定の細胞が種に存在するのかを、ゲノム配列から判定するプロセスを構築します。具体的には、脊椎動物の視細胞サブタイプを対象とし、異なった視細胞サブタイプのレパートリーをもつ生物のゲノム配列を用いて視細胞種類の予測を試みます。


  • 眼の相同性の探求
  • 幅広い分類群にわたる動物は、外界の光を活用するため、眼球を持ちます。これら器官は、「光を受容する」や「光刺激を脳へ投射する」といった機能が相同です。興味深いことに、マウスのPAX6は眼球発生をハエの脚に誘導でき、つまり哺乳類とハエの転写制御因子PAX6はともに分子的に相互交換可能です。進化の過程で1度だけ眼球をつくる仕組みが生まれたと想定されています。しかしながら、遠縁な動物では、眼球の発生や、神経の種類はそれぞれ全く異なり、発現する遺伝子の類似性も乏しい。そこで、これまでに私が開発した細胞クラス比較法を、脊椎動物から無脊椎動物へと拡大して適応します。具体的にはシングルセルATAC-seqを、ホヤやハエなどの進化的に重要な位置を占める無脊椎動物において行い、転写因子モチーフの組み合わせを比べ、眼球の起源に迫りたい。またさらには、脊椎動物の網膜細胞クラスそれぞれに備わる転写因子モチーフの組み合わせの進化起源も合わせて同定されると期待できる。

  • 遺伝子転写を誘導する転写因子モチーフの組み合わせ
  • 私たちのこれまでの研究により、それぞれの細胞クラスにおいては、転写因子モチーフの組み合わせが種を超えて広く保存されていることが分かりました(研究成果)。その一方で、1つの機能的なシス領域を構成する、転写モチーフの組み合わせは分かっていません。そこで、ゼブラフィッシュ、アフリカツメガエル、ニワトリ、ネズミ、ヒトのオルガノイドなど、遺伝子導入系が確立されている生物においてスループットの高いレポーターアッセイをそれぞれの生物において行います。これにより、遺伝子転写と連関し、かつ進化的に保存された転写因子モチーフの組み合わせを見出します。

Research Themes


  • Development of methods for comparing cell types using single-cell ATAC-seq data
  • We have obtained single-cell ATAC-seq profiles from the retinas of six vertebrates: lamprey, zebrafish, goldfish, chicken, mouse, and human, and performed comparative analysis of open chromatin data in the retina (Research Results). By refining data analysis methods, we identified combinations of transcription factor motifs conserved in each of the six cell classes.

    Each cell class consists of multiple cell types. To further investigate whether there are common combinations of transcription factor motifs for each cell type, we are developing new methods for cell comparison.

  • Analysis of bullfrog and green anole retinas
  • In addition to the six vertebrates mentioned above, we have obtained single-cell ATAC-seq data from the retinas of the bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) and the green anole (Anolis carolinensis). Both species have unique photoreceptor subtypes (green rods and double cones) that are of great interest. We are applying the above analysis methods to perform interspecies comparisons of cells and investigate the homology of photoreceptors.

Future Research Ideas

  • Predicting specific cell types from genome sequences
  • There is a lot of data about genomes from different organisms. This data helps us understand how animals' traits are formed. It seems that each animal has certain cell types in its retina. These cell types help each animal adapt to its own light environment. By studying how cell types change over time, we can learn more about how cells evolve. To do this, we need to identify as many cell types as possible in many different organisms. But it would take too long and cost too much to collect samples from all animals and identify all their cell types. So, I will build a process to determine whether a specific cell exists in a species based on its genome sequence. Specifically, I will target photoreceptor subtypes in vertebrates and try to predict photoreceptor types using the genome sequences of organisms with different photoreceptor subtypes.

    The main idea is to predict open chromatin regions from DNA sequences based on data about chromatin accessibility from many different species. We will create a prediction model for each species using ATAC-seq data from a total of eight different vertebrate species. We will also combine these models to create a universal model that has learned the characteristics of cell types that are not dependent on the species. We will calculate the probability of a cell type based on the chromatin profile predicted by the universal model. Then, we will investigate whether there are specific cell types in the organisms we have studied.

  • Exploration of eye homology
  • Animals across a wide range of taxa possess eyes to utilize external light, and these organs exhibit homologous functions, such as "receiving light" and "projecting light stimuli to the brain."Notably, mouse transcriptional regulator PAX6 has been observed to induce eye development in the legs of flies, suggesting that PAX6 in mouse and flies are molecularly interchangeable.Consequently, a hypothesis has been postulated that the mechanism underlying eye development emerged on a singular occasion during the course of evolution. However, in distantly related animals, the process of eye development and the types of neurons are completely different, and the sequence similarity of expressed genes is low.In light of these findings, the present study aims to apply the cell class comparison method initially developed in vertebrates to invertebrates.Specifically, the study will entail the implementation of single-cell ATAC-seq of eyes in invertebrates, which occupy a substantial evolutionary niche, including tunicates and flies. This approach will facilitate a comparative analysis of transcription systems, encompassing the examination of combinations of transcription factor motifs.This approach will facilitate the investigation of the evolution of eyes.Furthermore, it is anticipated that the evolutionary origins of the combinations of transcription factor motifs present in each retinal cell class of vertebrates will be identified.

  • Combinations of transcription factor motifs that induce gene transcription
  • Our previous research has shown that combinations of transcription factor motifs are widely conserved across species in each cell class (Research Results). However, the combinations of transcription motifs that constitute a single functional cis-regulatory region are not yet known. Therefore, we will conduct high-throughput reporter assays in organisms with established gene introduction systems, such as zebrafish, African clawed frog, chicken, mouse, and human organoids. This will allow us to identify combinations of transcription factor motifs that are associated with gene transcription and evolutionarily conserved.



  1. Y. Ogawa, Y. Liu, C. A. Myers, A. Morshedian, G. L. Fain, A. P. Sampath, J. C. Corbo, Conservation of cis-regulatory codes over half a billion years of evolution. bioRxiv 2024.11.13.623372 (2024).
  2. R. Arbore, S. Barbosa, J. Brejcha, Y. Ogawa, Y. Liu, M. P. J. Nicolaï, P. Pereira, S. J. Sabatino, A. Cloutier, E. S. K. Poon, C. I. Marques, P. Andrade, G. Debruyn, S. Afonso, R. Afonso, S. G. Roy, U. Abdu, R. J. Lopes, P. Mojzeš, P. Marík, S. Y. W. Sin, M. A. White, P. M. Araújo, J. C. Corbo, M. Carneiro, A molecular mechanism for bright color variation in parrots. Science 386, eadp7710 (2024).
  3. L. I. Volkov,Y. Ogawa, R. Somjee, H. E. Vedder, H. E. Powell, D. Poria, S. Meiselman, V. J. Kefalov, J. C. Corbo, Samd7 represses short-wavelength cone genes to preserve long-wavelength cone and rod photoreceptor identity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121, e2402121121 (2024).
  4. Y. Ogawa, Photoreceptor differentiation mechanisms underlying cell-type homology among vertebrates. 比較生理生化学 40, 128–136 (2023). in Japanese. English translated version is available upon request.
  5. Y. Ogawa, T. Shiraki, Y. Fukada, and D. Kojima, Foxq2 determines blue cone identity in zebrafish. Science Advances 7, 1–16 (2021).
  6. Y. Ogawa and J. C. Corbo, Partitioning of gene expression among zebrafish photoreceptor subtypes. Scientific Reports 11, 17340 (2021).
  7. Y. Ogawa, T. Shiraki, Y. Asano, A. Muto, K. Kawakami, Y. Suzuki, D. Kojima, and Y. Fukada, Six6 and Six7 coordinately regulate expression of middle-wavelength opsins in zebrafish. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116, 4651–4660 (2019).
  8. Y. Ogawa, T. Shiraki, D. Kojima, and Y. Fukada, Homeobox transcription factor Six7 governs expression of green opsin genes in zebrafish. Proc. R. Soc. B: Biol. 282, 20150659 (2015).


  1. Y. Ogawa, Y. Liu, C. A. Myers, A. Morshedian, G. L. Fain, A. P. Sampath, J. C. Corbo, Conservation of cis-regulatory codes over half a billion years of evolution. bioRxiv 2024.11.13.623372 (2024).
  2. R. Arbore, S. Barbosa, J. Brejcha, Y. Ogawa, Y. Liu, M. P. J. Nicolaï, P. Pereira, S. J. Sabatino, A. Cloutier, E. S. K. Poon, C. I. Marques, P. Andrade, G. Debruyn, S. Afonso, R. Afonso, S. G. Roy, U. Abdu, R. J. Lopes, P. Mojzeš, P. Marík, S. Y. W. Sin, M. A. White, P. M. Araújo, J. C. Corbo, M. Carneiro, A molecular mechanism for bright color variation in parrots. Science 386, eadp7710 (2024).
  3. L. I. Volkov,Y. Ogawa, R. Somjee, H. E. Vedder, H. E. Powell, D. Poria, S. Meiselman, V. J. Kefalov, J. C. Corbo, Samd7 represses short-wavelength cone genes to preserve long-wavelength cone and rod photoreceptor identity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121, e2402121121 (2024).
  4. Y. Ogawa, T. Shiraki, Y. Fukada, and D. Kojima, Foxq2 determines blue cone identity in zebrafish. Science Advances 7, 1–16 (2021).
  5. Y. Ogawa and J. C. Corbo, Partitioning of gene expression among zebrafish photoreceptor subtypes. Scientific Reports 11, 17340 (2021).
  6. Y. Ogawa, T. Shiraki, Y. Asano, A. Muto, K. Kawakami, Y. Suzuki, D. Kojima, and Y. Fukada, Six6 and Six7 coordinately regulate expression of middle-wavelength opsins in zebrafish. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116, 4651–4660 (2019).
  7. Y. Ogawa, T. Shiraki, D. Kojima, and Y. Fukada, Homeobox transcription factor Six7 governs expression of green opsin genes in zebrafish. Proc. R. Soc. B: Biol. 282, 20150659 (2015).


  • 2023年9月 - 現在 Washington University School of Medicine, Pathology and Immunology, Staff Scientist
  • 2018年9月 - 2023年8月 Washington University School of Medicine, Pathology and Immunology, Postdoctoral Research Associate
  • 2020年4月 - 2022年9月 独立行政法人日本学術振興会, 海外特別研究員
  • 2018年4月 - 2018年8月 東京大学, 大学院理学系研究科, 特任研究員
  • 2016年4月 - 2018年3月 独立行政法人日本学術振興会, 特別研究員
  • 2014年4月 - 2017年3月東京大学, 大学院理学系研究科大学院博士課程, 生物科学専攻
  • 2012年4月 - 2014年3月東京大学, 大学院理学系研究科, 生物化学専攻
  • 2010年4月 - 2012年3月東京大学, 理学部, 生物化学科


  • 2023 Sept-Present, Staff Scientist
    Washington University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Immunology, St. Louis, USA
  • 2018 Sept-2023 Aug, Postdoctoral Research Associate
    Washington University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Immunology, St. Louis, USA
  • 2018 Apr-Aug, Postdoctoral Fellow
    University of Tokyo, Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo, JAPAN
  • 2017 Apr-2018 Mar, Research Fellow (Postdoctoral) of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
    University of Tokyo, Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo, JAPAN
  • 2012-2017, Graduate student
    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo, JAPAN
  • 2008-2012, Undergraduate student
    The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science, Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Tokyo, JAPAN




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